
Very inspiring blogger award!!


My sixth month blogging and I’ve been nominated for ‘the Very inspiring blogger award‘ by Unexpected Wanderlust. I would love to thank this group of wonderful travelers for nominating me, and I will answer the questions below.

The rules of this award are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.

2. Display the award on your post.

3. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.

4. State 7 things about yourself.

5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.

6. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to your post.

7. Proudly display the award logo (or buttons) on your blog.

So here goes, 7 things about me:

1) I’ve never studied journalism but have always landed journalistic or writing jobs.


2) Prayer, solitude and meditation is a big part of my life..whatever I do, I’m constantly tuned in to my Heavenly Father. In Him I live, breathe and have my being.

3) I’m a sucker for great smelling scents… I’ve been known to stop random strangers in the street to ask what perfume/cologne they are wearing.

4) I may be a travel addict but travel sometimes TERRIFIES me..I almost always have cold feet before setting off..and YET my bucket list countries include places like Afghanistan, North Korea, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo!

Boys playing football on the beaches of Mogadishu (Image courtesy of Nadim 22, Panoramio)

Boys playing football on the beaches of Mogadishu (Image courtesy of Nadim 22, Panoramio)

5) I’m a night owl..I rarely sleep before midnight as I feel inpired in the quiet of the night.

6) When I’m not watching the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet and News channels, I will probably be listening to music. But,…I have a strange taste for movies that include Spiderman and Transformers!

7) My fashion sense is eccentric; bright colors and huge accessories work for me,…anything that shouts or glitters draws my eye. I have eclectic food tastes, love food that jolts my taste buds wide awake, food that has a zingy edge to it like Ethiopian injera with spicy Doro Wat, Greek salad with feta cheese…and the list goes on!


I nominate the following bloggers for excellent, informative, entertaining as well as inspring blogs!

1) The British Berliner 

2) Oneika the traveller

3)World of Wanderlust

4) Just One Way ticket

5) Travel Junkette

6) Travel making Kai

7) Backpacker Lee

8) Indahs: travel story & photography

9) Wesley travels

10) Booking it

11) A Thinking Traveler

12) Everywhere once

13) Joy loves travel

14) A Journey of wonders

15) Ron Scubadiver’s Wild Life

14 replies »

  1. Congratulations! You deserved it…and now we know bit about you 😉 I have to be honest that I am not good in responding awards but I will try when time permits! Thank you so much for nominating me!!


  2. “4) I may be a travel addict but travel sometimes TERRIFIES me..I almost always have cold feet before setting off..and YET my bucket list countries include places like Afghanistan, North Korea, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo!”

    it’s like you’re speaking my exact thoughts!


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